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  • Membership Subscriptions

    Website Administrator

    PICAA membership is based upon yearly subscription fees for members. This will usually be set for you by the Secretary General / Treasurer or one of their assistants.

    Fees were reduced for pensioners and members, being set to $20 per annum, with membership expiring June 30 each year. Renewal notices are normally set to go out 31 May of each year to cover the following year.

    When renewals are processed, you will receive an email that looks like the below:


    If you click on View Order, this is what you will see on the website (once logged in):


    If you click on Pay Now, the following options are available to you:


    Currently, options are available for Direct Deposit (which you conduct from your own banking platform), manual payment (mailing a cheque to the Treasurer / association PO Box) or PayPal transfer – all of which is later confirmed by Administrators and a receipt is issued.

    Direct Deposit

    Direct deposits will be confirmed by administrators. Per the details on screen, you are provided with the up to date bank account details for Direct Deposit. Once payment is confirmed, you will receive a receipt by email.


    Manual Payment

    Manual payments will be confirmed by administrators. Per the details on screen, you are provided with the up to date mailing address for Manual Payment. Once payment is confirmed, you will receive a receipt.


    PayPal - Account or Credit Card

    PayPal also offers the ability to ‘Pay with a Card’ if you don’t have or wish to use a PayPal account. This is a membership request that has long been asked about and is finally available for members!

    Please note: the PICAA website does NOT collect or retain ANY credit card details - these are solely transmitted to PayPal on the PayPal website.



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